Women in Tandon Makerspace featured in Washington Square News

Some highlights from the article: The MakerSpace at the Tandon School of Engineering provides a convenient platform for any students looking to bring their creativity and engineering prowess to life. It provides a collaborative lab space for students with a vast collection of 3-D printers, laser cutters and imaging softwares and offers funding, advising and array of expert guest speakers to nurture new ideas. In 2017, the women of MakerSpace ran the show with innovation,…

Let's Get Physical! – How to Make a Physiological Response Detector

This post is written by Najma Dawood and Shuang Liang, the winners of the December MakerSpace Mini Grant. Team members Najma Dawood and Shuang Liang set out to prototype a device that detects levels of physiological response to stimuli. We began the project with lofty goals of creating a beautiful device that would detect the heart rate, breath, sweat, temperature, movement, and changes in voice of the person wearing it. Once we began planning the…

How to make a skateboard from scratch!

This post is written by Santiago Gonzales, the winner of the November MakerSpace Mini Grant. I have designed and created a 3D printed skateboard mold that would enable multiple skateboard decks to be built for a fraction of a single skateboard deck cost! The idea came about after I started skateboarding for the first time in my life to cut down my commute time to school from my apartment. I really enjoyed skateboarding, and being…

Start your application for the Spring'08 Prototyping Fund

The NYU Prototyping Fund is a collaborative program offered by the Greenhouse at NYU Tandon MakerSpace and the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute that awards teams of students up to $500 in the first round of funding and up to $2000 in the second to be used to build hardware or software prototypes, and connects them with the resources, tools, and mentors they need to bring their ideas to life. We are currently accepting applications for the Spring ‘18 Prototyping Fund.…

Materials Engineering Research & CNC Routing

Ph.D. Candidate in Civil Engineering Halim K. Bas found an innovative use for the new ShopBot Desktop CNC Router in the MakerSpace, making casting molds.  The CNC router is a 3-axis machine that can cut a variety of wood and plastic materials in 3D. These molds were cut from sheets of thick acrylic plastic. The molds are used for casting cementitious materials, specifically cementitious syntactic foams. The cubical samples that are cast in these molds,…