CAIRN – a tangible apparatus for data visualization (Open Files)

As part of a research project to understand practices at NYU MakerSpace, we built a tangible apparatus for data visualization . It is composed of a wood top, mounted on wood leg pieces and colorful pieces and rods. Our design was inspired by the design of a similar apparatus in a Parisian Fablab (Gourlet and Dassé, 2017). We adapted our design to our specific research questions. This document explains how we designed and built  the…

James Dyson Award: You have until July 30, 2018 to submit an entry

  The James Dyson Award is an international design award that celebrates, encourages and inspires the next generation of design engineers. It’s open to current post-secondary students (or graduates within four years) studying engineering, design engineering or product design. If you enter the competition, you will have a chance to win $40,000 towards your engineering project. For more information:  

Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Award: deadline to submit is June 29, 2018

“About the Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards We believe the world will only succeed in delivering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals if we all start to think and work differently. That means a real shift towards meaningful partnerships and collaboration across the whole range of players – from governments to NGOs, and big businesses to start-ups. Imagine what we can achieve together. That’s why five years ago we started the Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards to…

Design for America of NYU invites you to their final showcase

Design for America of NYU, a student club using human-centered design to tackle complex social issues, is thrilled to invite you to their final project showcase this Friday, May 4th, between 5:30 and 7 PM, in the MakerSpace Foyer. Many of their teams have been ideating and prototyping in the MakerSpace this semester and they would love to share with the MakerSpace community the projects – ranging from homelessness, women empowerment to STEM education and…

CAIRN Week 2: Thank You and some FAQ

Today (Monday 23rd April), the second week of CAIRN is starting. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to building our collective NYU MakerSpace Cairn. It’s been really exciting to see some of the individual cairns that were built and also to see the collective material representation of practices in the MakerSpace. It is a busy space, so busy that starting from day one we had to “reset” some parts of the table…