Neuroscience and Mind Reading 101

The neuroscience and mind reading 101 workshop was conducted by Pia-Kelsey O’Neill and Jozsef from Genspace. Today, neuroscientists are developing new technologies to listen to and decipher the electrical activity of neurons in the brain. These technologies are already allowing people to control simple devices with their brains and in the future, may permit us to read out memories stored in the brain, among other things. In this workshop the participants learned how an electroencephalogram (EEG) works and how…

Data Visualization with Tejas Bhalerao

The Ideation series continued with the 3rd session last week which focused on Data Visualization with D3. This fantastic workshop was conducted at the MakerSpace by Tejas Bhalerao, an Interaction Designer and Prototyper at Mastercard Advisors. He is a part of the Innovation & Rapid Prototyping team responsible for conceptualizing and accelerating the development of data & analytics products using Design Thinking practices. With a hybrid background and experience in UX Design, Software Development and Product Management,…

Mixed Reality with Lillian Warner

Creating User Flows for Mixed Reality The much awaited mixed reality event was conducted by Lillian Warner at the Greenhouse early this month. The participants really enjoyed the hands-on activities and appreciated the printed workflows given to create the user flows for mixed reality. Lillian started the session by explaining the overview of mixed reality, its features and input methodologies. The participants were then grouped in teams of 3 and after picking an idea, they…

Spring Intermission: Artistic Workshop

Spring Intermission: Artistic Workshop In collaboration with the NYU Graduate Student Council, the MakerSpace Greenhouse conducted a creative workshop on March 27, 2018 to decorate and paint mason jars. We had a number of participants who attended this session and celebrated the onset of the spring season by painting beautiful depictions of spring on the mason jars! The participants were given a smooth finish mason jar and were provided all materials and supplies including acrylic paints,…