Funding opportunities for your projects: check out the deadlines

Here are several funding opportunities that can help you grow your ideas: Dec 17: InnoVention Competition Where NYU student entrepreneurs prototype products, build a team, and pitch commercially viable ideas to solve meaningful problems. The competition awards $500 prototyping grants for each stage as well as prize money of $50,000 to the top 3 teams. Apply here Dec 22: MIT Food + Agriculture Innovation A business-plan competition for early-stage food or agribusiness ideas developed by undergraduate and graduate students – win…

How to create a HDPE Truss

I have created a HDPE Truss by milling parts of the truss and combing them with bolts and nuts. I would like to share my experience with everyone so that if you are interested you can try it out yourself! Now the first thing that pops in your head when you hear a HDPE truss is, what is it ? A truss is basically an arrangement or framework of 3 or more bars which support…

Your first step towards the Future of Food – Urban Food Lab

What does it take to grow enough food for all of us? How do we create food systems that meet the needs of our changing world? – and what role does technology play? Come join us as we explore our relationship with food and how it is likely to change in the coming years. The GreenHouse at the MakerSpace is hosting a two-part workshop series focused on food and sustainability this fall. Our first workshop in this…

The Food and Sustainability Series is Here!

Interested in learning more about the future of food and urban agriculture? Do you want to know how to get started in urban agriculture? Come learn from the industry experts! With the growing consumer demand for “local”, “fresh” and “organic” food exploding, the Urban Food Lab series focuses on teaching you how we can create a new food system for the future. RSVP to both events below. We’re charging a refundable deposit (so we can…

Healthcare VC Pitchfest on Thursday, 6pm @ the Leslie eLab

  Want to understand how VC assess early stage life sciences or healthcare startups or to be in the know about the next BIG IDEA developed by students and faculties at NYU? Join us at the VC Pitchfest @ the Leslie eLab. 4 NYU startups will be pitching to vie for best pitch.   Date: Thursday, Nov 2nd Time: 6:15 pm – networking, refreshments will be served, 6:30 pm – startup pitches Location: Leslie eLab, 16 Washington Square   Come…