Green Grant for Plastic Shredder

NYU Green Grants are awarded to promising students, faculty and project groups to foster the university’s environmental performance, support community engagement, demonstrate the development of cleanest technologies, and nurture environmental literacy. The MakerSpace was awarded a Green Grant of $13,752 to develop a plastic shredder and recycling system for the waste generated by failed 3D prints. The project has the potential for institutionalization on campus and can be further expanded to other plastic waste as…

Have an idea you want to prototype and test? Apply to the Fall’19 Prototyping Fund!

The NYU Prototyping Fund is a collaborative program offered by the Design Lab @ NYU Tandon MakerSpace and the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute that awards teams of students up to $500 in the first round of funding and up to $2000 in the second to be used to build hardware or software prototypes, and connects them with the resources, tools, and mentors they need to bring their ideas to life. Applications are due on Friday, September 20 at 5 pm.…

Lemelson-MIT Student Prize

This is a great opportunity from Lemelson-MIT for students to fund and continue to develop existing prototypes. “The Lemelson-MIT Student Prize, is a national invention competition that recognizes individual graduate students who have tested prototypes of two or more inventions and teams of undergraduate students with a tested prototype of one invention. We are once again conducting our nationwide search for the most inventive undergraduate and graduate students to compete for the 2020 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize. The competition recognizes students at any U.S. college or…

Being open to surprises, testing with users and iterating again and again.

On May 1st 2019, we had our Spring Prototyping Fund Showcase, which as previous years reflected the strong interest of NYU students for social issues and sustainability: from reusable tampon applicators that limit waste to a sensor-enabled beehive lid to protect bee colony loss, a mobile pop-up exhibit to change perception about homelessness and a battery system using reusable batteries to provide power during blackouts or grid failures in African countries. Education was definitely a…