This post was written by Cat Almuete, a sophomore majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Game Engineering, & winner of the October 2021 MakerSpace Mini Grant. For this project, I decided to prototype with creating jewelry using a variety of machines and non traditional mediums. During this prototyping, I created designs for earrings and necklaces. With this personal project, these pieces are now going to be Christmas gifts for the beautiful women in my…
Zebras on Iridescent and Clear Acrylic!
This blog post was written by MakerSpace TA Michelle Tabansi Michelle Tabansi is a multimedia artist majoring in IDM. When she is not doing school work, she usually spends her time creating digital illustrations and working on motion graphics projects. For this MakerSpace TA project, clear and iridescent acrylic were engraved with an image of zebras using the Epilog Fusion Laser Cutter and Adobe Illustrator. I was inspired to turn my digital artwork into a…
How to Transform the Written Word!
This post was written by Leigh Fisher, the winner of the October MakerSpace Mini Grant. Design Process I’ve been grappling with the intersection of art and poetry for as long as I’ve been a writer. Even now, as a student studying Integrated Digital Media at the Tandon School of Engineering, I’m fascinated by how stories can be brought to life when combined with digital art. I’m still a writer at heart and a devout book…
NYU MakerSpace Covid-19: PAPR and Ventilator Parts
Reverse Engineering Parts Needed for the Medical Covid-19 Response Written by Victoria Bill, NYU Tandon MakerSpace Director PAPR Clips The need: Last week, NYU Langone medical staff and faculty in the Clinical Engineering department reached out to the MakerSpace through the NYU Covid-19 Task Force about designing replacement parts for powered air purifying respirators (PAPRs). Medical staff wear these hoods as protective devices. There is a clip that holds a facemask in place that can…