You might have wondered as you came in to the MakerSpace “what is this wooden table with colorful piles next to the pillar?” Maybe you stopped by; Maybe you looked up at the poster; and some of you built a Cairn (aka one of the small piles of colorful shapes). (Thank you to those who built one or several!).
Whether you stopped or not, you will find an answer to your questions in this video created by Maddie Nicolas, one of the MakerSpace TAs. It tells the story of CAIRN, a project on which our team collaborated last spring. This video was accepted (as well as a paper where we discussed more our approach and findings) for the International Symposium on Academic MakerSpaces 2018 which took place this summer in Stanford.
CAIRN: A Tangible Research Tool To Materially Visualize Practices in a Makerspace from Madeleine Nicolas on Vimeo.
Next time, you are in the MakerSpace. Feel free to stop by and build your Cairn. It does not take that long and it adds to the visual story of the MakerSpace.
Who is our team: Anne-Laure Fayard (Associate Professor, Technology Management and Innovation, NYU Tandon); Victoria Bill (NYU Tandon MakerSpace Manager), Srishti Kush (IDM grad student) and Maddie Nicolas (Computer Science and Engineering Senior).