Announcing the Ideation Series by the GreenHouse at MakerSpace

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Are you struggling to come up with new ideas or find problems to solve?

These workshops will teach you hands-on skills for creative problem solving using an ideation framework and continue with visual thinking workshops focusing on sketching and prototyping.

This series of workshops will help lay the groundwork for you to participate and be successful in these upcoming programs at NYU:

Workshop 1: Ideation Framework with Eli Bozeman

Got a cool new idea? Overwhelmed with ideas? Don’t really have an idea but would like to develop something? That’s okay, we’ll help you out! Eli Bozeman, Director of Product Management at Attune brings his vast experience to help you ideate and develop new business ideas and validate new product ideas. If you’ve got a new idea or don’t know where to even start, you won’t want to miss this workshop!

RSVP here.

Workshop 2: Visualizing with Design Sketching

Design sketching is an invaluable skill in the ideation process. Learn to explore your idea, work through problems, and experiment with form on paper. MakerSpace GA Gabriella Cammarata and IDM graduate student Kevin Bower will bring their background and experiences in industrial design to teach you how to you visualize your ideas with design sketching. No previous experience necessary!

RSVP here.

Workshop 3: Thinking with Prototypes with Hannah Berkin-Harper

The last step in this workshop series will help you to think with prototypes. It’s time to get down and dirty and use your hands to build things! Hannah Berkin-Harper, a Designer at Undo LLC, will bring her experience and knowledge of prototyping to help you develop prototypes for your ideas. By the end of the session, you’ll understand the value of building low fidelity, quick and dirty prototypes as well as high fidelity prototypes and the roles they play in bringing your product or idea to life.

RSVP here.
