Sustainability, Circular Design and Climate Change: Collective Action and Ideation

As part of the Design Lab @ NYU MakerSpace focus on sustainability, circular design and climate change, we would like to share with you two exciting upcoming events:

March for Science NYC and Earth Day Initiative are hosting a virtual day of action on April 19th from 4-10pm on Facebook LIVE. There will be speakers and exhibitors discussing how healthcare, food, and mental health relate to climate change and what are some of the solutions we can undertake. Speakers will include academics who are leading the field in food security, COVID-19 response, and mental health as well as some actors and politicians like Elizabeth Warren, Ian Somerhalde, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as well as broadway players (Cast from Harry Potter and Frozen).

How to Engage with the event that we are excited to support:
Watch it on Facebook Live!
Register for and download Whova to communicate directly with exhibitors, attendees, and speakers even during the livestream!

Check also the Ideation Jam for Climate Change that the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute is organizing on April 27th. Great way to use the design thinking process at the core of what we believe at the Design Lab and put them into action to address sustainability related issues. If you have attended some of our workshops on food by the Urban Food Lab, food waste by the DFA NYU FREEdge team, plastic waste and recycling by our Design Lab Sustainability Fellows, or got inspired by the panel on Circular Design during our Design Week, this is a great opportunity to flex your creative muscles and collaborate with other passionate individuals.
