Getting feedback on your projects: two upcoming events at the Design Lab @ NYU MakerSpace

Parkour approach

This month we have two upcoming events to help students get feedback on their progress and ideas for both academic and extra-curricular projects.
Feedback and iteration are key to successful projects and this all along a project journey from research, ideation to prototyping and implementations. Join us at the Design Lab to test out your prototypes with users and get insights from experts in the field. The details of the two upcoming events are as follows:

Usability Testing Session: Wed, April 3, 2019 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Do you have a product, prototype or an idea that you want to test with potential users? Join us for a user testing session at the MakerSpace Foyer on April 3rd. Each student will be given a table to set up their equipment and show their work. The event will be open to other NYU students who can test your prototypes and give you feedback! Food will be served!


Design Innovation Parkour: Thu, April 11, 2019 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Join our Design and Innovation Parkour session, based on an open innovation approach, named after the urban sports discipline Parkour. You can join as an individual or a team to get feedback on your ideas or projects depending on your project needs (aka where you are in the project). There will be four different types of stations based on the feedback you need:

  1. Understand Context and User Needs
  2. Ideate concepts and solutions
  3. Prototype like a Pro
  4. Think like an entrepreneur

Refreshments will be served. RSVP:
