About the Competition:
The NYU Entrepreneurs Network is excited to announce their “Combating the Coronavirus” competition, which aims to serve as a remote hackathon focused on projects to solve the challenges brought on by the current pandemic.
They are offering three competition tracks for you to join, namely, Remote learning, Telehealth, and Virtual Communities. They want to see projects that utilize burgeoning technologies to improve online education tools, healthcare, and communication in such a way that will reshape the way humans interact with technology and with each other to better prepare for future crises. This is a great opportunity for you to put on your thinking caps and contribute with your projects.
Project Submission details:
All participants should submit a 1 to 2 minute video explaining 1) The problem you are solving, 2) What your solution is, 3) How your solution works. Additionally, if you have a software, app, product, prototype,or even simply a set of decks outlining the solution/product that you plan to create, we encourage you to submit this alongside your required video submission. Team submissions as well as individual submissions are allowed. The submission window will open at 12:00 am on Monday, April 13th and the deadline to submit is 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 19th.
Finalists will be selected to present their projects via zoom to our panel of judges and win cash prizes!
The NYU MakerSpace has joined the NYU Tandon COVID-19 task force and is helping produce face shields and providing them to hospitals to fight against the virus. Check out our social media @nyumakerspace to find more details and help us in the process!