Vinyl Cutter

Vinyl Cutter Information

The Roland CAMM-1 uses a tiny drag knife to cut stickers and decals.
  • MakerSpace Orientation and specialized training (by appointment) are required to use this machine.
CutStudio CutStudio can be found on the computer next to the Vinyl Cutter. We suggest uploading your design as a JPEG, JPG, or PNG file. EPS files and transparent PNGs do not work well with the software.
Loadable material width:
  • 2 to 27-1/2 in. (50 to 700 mm)
Maximum cutting area:
  • Width: 22.9 in (584 mm)
  • Length: 984.25 in (25000 mm)
Maximum cutting media thickness:
  • Up to .04 in (1 mm)
Self-adhesive vinyl on paper substrate. 12"x30" sheets are available for sale in the MakerSpace.

Pink vinyl is being cut on the vinyl cutter.