Fellowship opportunity-Echoing Green

Want to solve the world’s most urgent problems? If you have the ideas and vision to bring positive change to the world, this opportunity is for you. All that matters is that you are committed to the problem you are solving and are ready to make a big impact.

Through the two-year, full-time Fellowship, Echoing Green finds social entrepreneurs, and invests deeply in the growth of their ideas and leadership. Their goal is to find innovators, mobilizers, community organizers, and social justice leaders working on a plan to make the world better in a big way. They provide the necessary networking tools, resources, and communities you need to bring your ideas to life. Does that sound like a great opportunity for you to lead transformative change? Please visit their website and apply for the fellowship : application

The Echoing Green Fellowship Applications for the 2020 Fellowship are currently due on October 16, 2019 at 2:00 (14:00) ET.
